Thursday 27 February 2014


Nikah is a great bounty form Lillahi Ta'ala, so one should never question the reason(s) as to why a person would like to marry someone they do not know. Don't ever tell a person that they are rushing into their marriage, and don't ever question or assume that a couple's marriage is not based on love. Don't ever tell a person they are not fit to be married, and don't ever judge how one's marriage would turn out to be.

Do not think, do not wonder, do not judge.. DO NOT ASSUME.

Instead of killing yourself with that curiosity, why not kill that curiosity itself?

Biarlah orang tu nak kahwin siang ke, kahwin lambat ke.. Biarlah dia nak kahwin orang yang dia baru kenal ke, kahwin dengan kawan rapat dia ke.. Biarlah.

Jadi manusia, jangan suka jaga tepi kain orang. Jadi manusia, jangan suka sangat cakap orang. Apa yang kita cakap, selalunya berbalik pada diri kita. You should know that. So, please. Stop speaking of others like you have lived with them your entire life.

Save your words, because what you say might eventually hurt others. And when that happens, it becomes a sin you will then have to bear.

May Allah SWT grant us all understanding. Wallahua'lam.


  1. I love this entry so much.

  2. I love this entry too. So true.
