Tuesday 10 December 2013


Bravo to me, who has finally had the time to move my kahwin blog from LJ to the most comfortable for me, Blogger. *a round of applause*

Okay, so anyway, lately I've been stressing about the photography/videography services for my wedding. YES, IT'S ABOUT 8 MONTHS AWAY AND I BELUM CONFIRM OR MAKE ANY DEPOSITS FOR PHOTO+VIDEO SERVICES PUN K. (I don't know if this delay is normal, but I am totally freaking out now that I am actively checking up on other BTBs' progress!)

Not sure if it's just my procrastinating, or that I'm not gan chiong enough, or I'm too laid back, or I'm just too goddamn busy!? Wallahua'lam.

Either way, I have made multiple enquiries and came up with my Top 5 choices (in no order of preference) for photography:

- Nuruddynaf
- Bliss Photo+Cinema
- Flashed Studio
- Diziq Vidz Motion Pictures
- Zakaria Zainal

And my Top 3 choices (in no order of preference) for videography:

- Bliss Photo+Cinema
- Diziq Vidz Motion Pictures
- BizKode (recommended by Flashed)

During my vigorous search  (I call it vigorous because I was diligently researching like mad and sending enquiries, at the same time praying that there were all available on my requested dates), I was so bumped to get the news that Bliss was fully booked! LAGI I PANIC, KANG!

I narrowed down my choices and have already made a decision. Yes, my partner left all the decision-making to me and he "vets" it before the final "submission". It has always been like that, our relationship. Apart from perfectionist and anal me being me, he has always allowed me to make the final call. (Funny how the same things happen at work, where my boss ALWAYS expects me to make all decisions. But for 5 years & counting now, after working for 2 different bosses, my decisions never went wrong. Alhamdulillah, I choose to believe that is how I am gifted above everything else He has granted me.)

So, about my decision.. For photography, I have decided to go with.. FLASHED (by Salihin Salim)! I have always been a fan of his works on Instagram (@flashedstudio), and not too long ago, I discovered that he is my senior from TK! Hahahahahahais. What a small, small world. And we have frequently spoken on IG, where I would be praising his beautiful shots. Seriously, this guy's good. So, I figured that it would be easier to work with someone you know kan? I mean, he should (more or less) know my style from my thousand over posts on IG.


We haven't set a date to meet yet, but he has reserved those dates for me. And insya Allah *doa banyak-banyak*, that it will still be available till the time my bonus comes! Yes, I'm waiting for my bonus and then I can start "merrily splurging" on deposits!

Inilah, wedding $50 ku. Hehehehe. (I wish!)

Here are a few samples of Salihin's works (grabbed from his FB & IG):

Oh, he also does shots for fashion clients like Princess Arabia and Sufyaa! So, if any of you are looking to promote your business products, you can consider Salihin! ^^

Here are some of his commercial works for his clients:

As for videography, I have decided to go with DVMP! I have always loved Bliss' and DVMP's works, to be honest. Okay luh, so my decision was pretty biased.. Ooops! But, how can it not be? Check them out here, and here, if you haven't!

Okay, guys.. Princess is really tired right now. While my partner does his part-time night job, I shall stuff myself with food and catch up on my Korean dramas. Once again, I hope my move didn't cause any inconvenience to you readers! If it did, saya minta maaf banyak-banyak ye.

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