Friday 6 December 2013


Hi! *waves frantically*

I am in a good mood today, because today is Friday - the mother of all days! Anddddd, I can't wait to end the day because I'm going shopping with Ummi later this evening! No, ni bukan shopping apa. Ni shopping untuk wedding.

I'm going to Daiso to see what artsy fartsy stuff I can use to spice up my DIY dulangs. And I will slap myself for buying things yang takde kena mengena langsung dengan wedding because, as you know, kalau dah masuk Daiso.... Hurhur.

So, anyway, I've been contemplating for a month already, on whether or not I should hire an A3 for my wedding. My partner and I have appointed my brother as our chauffeur for the day, and he gladly took up the offer! I've been browsing through all the sites Google has to offer, and finally came across this beauty..

(photo courtesy of

Well, hello there. *wolf whistles*

I've always fancied every Audi model which came about, and am aiming to own one after my partner and I have settled down in our marriage life. Insya Allah, Amin! And yes, my all-time favorite would have to be the classic and sleek A3. Sportback or not, I would like to own it. Tengok luh mata dia.. Cantik kan? Hahaha. Okay, for those who know me well enough would know how crazy I am about (some) bikes and (some) cars.

I will melt instantly when I see these kinda babies..

Yeah, i'm crazy, I know. I behave like a boy, sometimes. Bola luh, kereta luh, motor luh..

On a separate note, I am so sleepy right now because it's been raining the entire day and most of the people in my office are actually on leave. And they'll be away till what, next year? JEALOUS NYA AKU YANG DAH USE UP MOST OF MY LEAVE FOR KOREA.

Okay luh, geng. 4pm dah nak balik!

Till the next significant update!

We are 288 days away..
May Allah ease our journey with endless blessings.
Amin, insya Allah.

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